Caution – Grammatically Incorrect
Warning: English teachers, hide your red pens! So, this initial post is a warning for any and all inadvertent, yet no less brutal, attacks on the sanctity of the English language. I realize the care that has gone into the construction of our language – including all grammatical rules and proper sentence structures. I appreciate…
At what cost…
To be honest, the magnitude the current global situation…came as a somewhat sudden shock to me. This isn’t to say that I wasn’t keeping up on the news, only that it still seemed so far away…and, unlikely to penetrate my immediate world. Saturday March 14th, it all changed…. Prior to that day, as far as…
The Joy of Being
Life is a personal journey. Realistically, the only fair comparison – is where we are currently, in relation to our starting point. As long as we track our progress against ourselves, and not anyone else…we can continue to be satisfied with our own accomplishments while offering support to others for theirs. The best example I…
Project Discovery
Join me on a journey of Self-Discovery Welcome to my website. I confess this site was originally designed for the purpose of self-healing. I wanted to force myself out of my own comfort zone – pushing past the boundaries of my fear. I have discovered that writing with the goal of teaching, and the organization…
Right, Wrong, or Something Else
Although it can be a natural habit to slip definitive judgments into everyday conversations – doing so, may disrupt our peace of mind. Despite the reason for their interjection, certain words such as “right”, “wrong”, “good”, or “bad” – act as a trigger in our minds, sparking assessment, and prompt our foundational and conditional reaction.…