Category: Blog
Sensitive child in a harsh world
Although I can’t recall when it was, I vividly remember, as a kid, thinking that I was somehow different. I don’t recall what prompted it, but I vividly remember having a preoccupation with “normal” – and how I compared against my perception of what that was. Through my childhood pondering, and in an effort to…
Whose responsibility is it, anyway?
At times, I admit that my clarity in certain situations can become blurred. While there are many instances where I can notice my involvement – arguably, there are probably just as many where I remain oblivious. This post was actually cut and copied, as I got off track on a previous post – the one…
Blame Game
Writing and sharing my personal journey has been both a powerful and inspiring conquest. I find that I am able to heal, through the unapologetic recall of events of my life. I have found through self-discovery that my personal perspective tends to focus on a singular reality – and have been known to ignore everything…
Self-imposed Imprisonment
A life-altering decision was made from the perspective of a small child – a child who knew that her very survival would depend on it. In the discovery that the world was far too cruel for her to be a part of, she locked herself in a safe place – deep within the recesses of…
A Long-Forgotten Pact
It was only recently, that I began to piece together the effect my childhood has had on my current life. Looking back, its so clear to me – I can see how the seeds of my experiences, along with my personal interpretation of them, have dictated the person I have become. Old habits die hard……
Managing Expectations
Since I began writing my courses, I have found myself hyper-aware of my own behaviors, and the reasoning behind them. I “watch myself” from a detached position, so that I am better able to analyze and learn. Although this has taught me a lot about my thoughts and automatic responses, there are times when I…
A Family Tradition of Secrecy
Why didn’t you tell me… “You never asked”, was the predictable reply, following an organic revelation of newly disclosed information. For example, it wasn’t until my great uncle, Unk, passed away – through funeral home whispers, and helping to clean out his apartment, that I learned snippets about his life. Wait, really… Until this point,…
Pinpointing vulnerability
It is only now that I am taking, some of, the necessary steps to overcome my natural tendencies…that my innate methods of execution have emerged, from the depths of my unconscious – and become clear to me. I can now admit to myself, a lifelong habit of circumventing areas of discomfort. Since beginning my self-discovery…
Who does that!
What kind of attention seeking person, views themselves as so important, that they feel the need to write a personal blog! Who would even do that? Why do they think anyone would care? And using their real name, WTF! Yep, that would be me – and these were my opinions on self-promotion. For me, writing…