Writer – Mom – Coach – Self-Exploration Junkie…Destination discovery

Project Discovery

Welcome to my website. I confess this site was originally designed for the purpose of self-healing. I wanted to force myself out of my own comfort zone – pushing past the boundaries of my fear. I have discovered that writing with the goal of teaching, and the organization process of developing a theory, keeps my mind focused on the 360 degrees of healing. At least for me, something interesting happens when I write with the intention to teach, my mind is no longer satisfied with the easy answers and begins to fully investigate every angle – formulating a broader understanding of all possibilities. I have noticed that I learn more about the inner workings of my own mind when I write it out – enabling me to really see my own involvement, and analyze it, from a semi-detached position. And sharing these stories, that was the best way I could think of to tackle my discomfort with exposure.

A bit of backstory…

From as far back as I can recall, my mind has always been drawn to the deeper meaning of life. After realizing the annoyance of my constant questioning, I began to seek the answers from inside myself…rather than bothering others. I would quietly ponder both my own life, as well as the lives being lived out in my environment – conducting an informal, and covert analysis to test my theories. What I discovered was the eye-opening realization that despite the seeming randomness of life – there is a very real consistency between cause and effect. Through the self-discovery of writing, I am sharing my journey with anyone who is interested. Sharing the knowledge I have ascertained through my own research – so that you may find the answers you have been searching for, in your own life.

I invite you to share in my self-discovery mission. My hope is that we can grow and learn about ourselves together – through community and support.

I look forward to meeting and growing with you.

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